OK, the other day, I posted a question about the Liverpool vs Derby game this past weekend, and I included a few clips from youtube. It was an attempt at humor. An old Monty Python clip were a boxer beats up a small child ( Liverpool vs Derby / Boxer vs small child ( get-it ? )).Anyway, originally I posted a second clip from Monty Python as well, were at the end of the clip, one could see Terry Jones bottom. The original question was removed without ever being posted. It occured to me at this time that clearly the delay we experiance, from the time we ask a question, to the time the question is posted in the forum, can be attributed to our questions being reviewed before posting.
OK, I'm fine with this to a point. If Yahoo wants to have higher standards than youtube or public television, this is ok with me. What I don't understand however, is why Yahoo would kill the video, yet allow certain questions and answers that are nothing more than strings of four letters words ?