how to fix a flat soccer ball?
2007-10-30 17:15:56 UTC
ok i got a new ball like 2 weeks ago, i have never played with it, cause last time with my other ball, i lost it at one of my soccer practices, so i went to get a new one, and today i played with it in my backyard ( just juggling) then it had a bad bounce on my foot and rolled into a cactus, with long needles, it had like one or two holes in it, so i checked it and it was getting flat, it got hit not on the lacing but like right in the middle of one pannel, so i was trying tape and that didn't do anything, it just still was coming out. My mom just bought me this and i don't want to tell her yet, i want to try and fix it before i tell her. anyy help??
Ten answers:
2007-11-01 22:37:19 UTC
2016-09-28 09:26:18 UTC
Flat Soccer Ball
John F
2007-10-30 21:25:36 UTC
If the internal bladder has been punctured (which sounds likely from your description), it's a goner. I doubt you mom will be too upset - if you came home and said your bike got a flat tire from a nail on the road, would she be angry at you? Not if she's a reasonable person. You were using it in a normal manner, just as you were with the ball; she should understand that. She might be irritated at the extra cost, especially if money is a bit tight, but she will see that it was a simple accident.

My advice though - for backyard practice get a really cheap ball, and for use elsewhere a better one. And don't use it on the driveway or the road - that will wear down the exterior in double-quick time. I had to explain that one to my 9-year-old this week.
2015-08-18 19:07:55 UTC
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how to fix a flat soccer ball?

ok i got a new ball like 2 weeks ago, i have never played with it, cause last time with my other ball, i lost it at one of my soccer practices, so i went to get a new one, and today i played with it in my backyard ( just juggling) then it had a bad bounce on my foot and rolled into a cactus, with...
2016-04-06 02:31:32 UTC
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milk? No they make this stuff for intertubes that plugs holes. It is an apoxy and a patch. Go to a store and ask them for something to patch a hole in a tube, that should do the trick. It works well on everything I have used it on. By the way why would you spend so much on a ball. Just get a new cheap one. 260 for a ball, it better like move with out you touching it or something.
2007-10-30 18:18:46 UTC
those are really hard to fix unless you completely repatch the outside. by then you might as well buy a new ball. do what IveGotTroubles said and tell your mom. Trust me i've had this problem three times over (lost twice holes once). If they know it was a genuine accident they'll get you a new one. Also, ask the store for a replacement if it was new enough.
2007-10-30 17:23:48 UTC
Tell her exactly what happened. Say it was an accident and you're very sorry, and you'd be lucky to get a new one. She's probably going to fall into a pool of pity before you finish. She's going to get your your soccer ball.
El G
2007-10-30 17:30:31 UTC
You can get a bicycle tire patch kit and try to patch it up, then re-inflate it.
2007-10-30 17:19:19 UTC
buy a new one. ~or~ use a basketball pump or ball pump.
peter a
2007-10-30 18:03:48 UTC
use tire pump

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