How do I do a soccer bicycle kick?
Katie T.
2006-08-16 12:01:12 UTC
I have been playing soccer since I was a kid and have yet to perfect my bicycle kick. I play left striker and for some reason I can’t get enough force on the ball. Any tips?
68 answers:
Anthony V
2006-08-16 12:21:04 UTC
if you are a right footed kicker, you have to throw your left foot up first and use the swinging motion of your kicking foot as momentum for your kick. it just takes practice and the realization that you're going to hit the ground with a pretty good thud. there are usually 2 reasons a persons bicycle kick lacks power. the first is that they are not connecting with the ball on the proper part of their foot. this usually make the ball not go straight foward and limits the power. you gotta connect on the sweet spot on the top of your foot. the 2nd reason is that they are preoccupied with bracing for impact before they kick the ball. like i said before if you do it're gonna hit the ground from a drop of about 3 feet up. if you dont swing your feet up for that kick as much as possible because you're hoping to land on your arms and feet instrad of the top of your shoulders your kick is not going to have the power it should. not only that you are more likely to get hurt. if you land a bicycle kick properly you should hit the ground with your feet in the air and land on the area of your back where your shoulder blades are you will not get the wind knocked out of you if you land in that area....any lower however you run the risk of knocking the wind out of you on impact with the ground. also getting a bit of a running start helps with the momentum of the attempt of a bicycle kick from a stationary position will not have the same power as someone who's had a jogging start. it takes timing to catch a bicycle kick while jogging, but it's the best and most powerful way to do it. if you want to learn how to stick the jump for the advise is watch or practice highjumping....... to see the motion of how their body goes up in the air and how the feet follow. just keep at it and you'll get it down
2015-08-24 18:04:11 UTC
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How do I do a soccer bicycle kick?

I have been playing soccer since I was a kid and have yet to perfect my bicycle kick. I play left striker and for some reason I can’t get enough force on the ball. Any tips?
2006-08-18 15:15:21 UTC
G'day Katie,

Thanks for the question. By the way, you and the team are doing a great job.

Bicycle kick or overhead kick is an expert move in football, which is made by throwing the body up into the air, making a shearing movement with the legs to get one leg high overhead to reach the ball (in original head height), which gets kicked backward over the player's head and ideally into the goal.

The common English name comes from the two legs that look as if pedaling a bicycle with one leg going forward to the ball and the other backward to create an opposite moment. The overhead kick is commonly known as Chilena or Chalaca in most of Latin America because it was Chilean teams which first used it.

There are two major situations (apart from showing off) where the bicycle kick would be useful in a game situation:

* When a defender is desperate to remove the ball from near his side's goal, but he stands facing the goal and with his back to the direction he wants the ball to go, and the ball is bouncing around and thus difficult to control.

* If a striker has his back to the opponent's goal and is in the opponent's penalty area or nearby, and the ball is bouncing at head height.

Pele was the best exponent of it. The steps are:

1) Keep your back to the target while keeping your eyes on the ball.

2) Bring the knee of your non-kicking leg towards your chest followed by the same motion of your kicking leg. This will look like you're riding a bicycle hence the name.

3) Extend your kicking leg to meet the ball while you're airborne and falling backwards.

4) Pedalling down with your non-kicking leg, kick through the ball.

5) Pull your toes back so your ankle makes a right angle as you connect with the ball.

6) Extend both arms and your palms to brace yourself.

7. Watch the knee of your kicking leg until you're on the ground to ensure you don't accidentally kick your head.

It takes practice to learn so you might need to work out a drill with a friend tossing a ball to you to practice. You might want to get a tumbling mat to practice on. Given the difficulty, it takes a while to get the timing right so don't be discouraged.

If you increase the speed of the pedalling, it gives you more power. That might be the area you need to work on.

I enclose some sources for your reference.

Good luck for your soccer team.

Thanks again for the great job you're doing and don't let the Yamster work you too hard.

2006-08-23 15:10:27 UTC
It's glitzy. It's glamorous.


1. Keep your back to the target and your eyes on the ball.

2. Bring the knee of your non-kicking leg toward your chest followed immediately with the same motion of your kicking leg. The movement of your legs will appear as if you're pedaling a bicycle backwards.

3. Extend your kicking leg to meet the ball while you're airborne and falling backwards.

4. Pedaling down with your non-kicking leg, kick through the ball.

5. Pull your toes back so your ankle makes a right angle as you connect with the ball.

6. Extend both arms and your palms facing the ground behind you to brace yourself.

7. Watch the knee of your kicking leg until you're on the ground to insure that you don't hit your head.

If you increase the speed of the pedaling motion, the force of the kick increases.

There's a lot of timing involved, so don't get discouraged if it takes a while to do this kick.


Practice on a soft surface like a tumbling mat or your bed to learn how it feels to fall doing a bicycle kick. If you're a kid, it's probably not a bad idea to ask your parents before you start jumping on the bed.

Overall Warnings:

If you have any condition which would impair or limit your ability to engage in physical activity, please consult a physician before attempting this activity. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

First, start to jump (and jump with full commitment), with your kicking leg and start to lean back. Then bring your non-kicking knee up toward your chest and look at the ball. You should be almost horizontal in the air and a good distance in the air at this point. Then, fully extend your kicking leg and kick the ball with the laces. As you fall, watch your non-kicking knee and put your palms out to brace the fall. When you hit the ground (which should be the non-kicking side of your body), roll quickly from your back to your chest so you can get back up quickly.
2006-08-23 11:52:43 UTC
I know zip about soccer but it sounds like a lack of focus and timing. A soccer ball looks formidable but it appears more of a marshmallow that can absorb what you give it. Left leg is always going to be less power - it's what you lead with no matter how well you're tuned and timed. It starts in your head. The body follows. Angle and point of the foot, like putting a little English on a cue ball.
2006-08-23 10:47:19 UTC
jump after the ball is coming down to get the opposite reaction-as when a pitcher pitches-the faster he pitches it in the faster it will go when hit-u need to get maximum velosity-watch films u will see the difference-and the effect of cause and effect-

with the main foot out and bring the other foot over it and kick the ball solidly-but u have to push from the underneath of your foot striking it solidly-it takes practice-and is dangerous if an opponenet is near and if in ur mind u fear being dumped- that can take the concentration away in a game-be carefull and prayerful- u will be the braveheart of soccer even without the bicycle kick-be fearless but cautious -

-as requested before would u be so kind as to join our creativity-thanks alot and i just made level 3 1000 pointies lol-have the nicest day ever and i bet u get alot of answers-u got connections-i do too but i dont use the bad ones lol in a sweet way-be the best u can be -like ur childhood fantasy to be the princess of the world-not just soccer too :D
Sal G
2006-08-23 14:07:55 UTC
I learned by putting a mattress on my bedroom floor and rolling up some socks (you can use a soccer ball) and I would first lift my non-kicking foot in the air followed by my kicking foot and throw the ball of socks in the air and jump backwards, landing on my hands, which I placed behind my back midway through the air. The mattress really builds your confidence since you know you're not going to land on hard ground.

Sorry no video included. Good luck!
2006-08-22 11:20:26 UTC
I am a left striker as well! Great position. Anyways, i have mastered the bicycle kick, so here is what i know! First off, Positioning. Make sure you are in a good position and have enough space away from your defenders. Then, jump off using your KICKING FOOT. Pump your NON KICKING FOOT in the air to gain momentum. Then SWING OVER your kicking foot to make SOLID contact. If the PUMP is successfully done, then Contact will be SOLID. :-) Hope this helps!
michael m
2006-08-23 11:27:40 UTC
First, get on a guys team. Then, simply wear that revealing shirt in your picture. Don't worry hon, even your opponents will stop to watch you make a very very perfect bicycle kick. Knowone will dispute your proffesionalism!
2006-08-19 16:05:47 UTC
The first point I could say that you do a bicycle kick it's a lot easier for to hit it after it has bounced once. Keep your back to your target, and watch the ball as it is coming to you. When the ball gets about your height I guess that jump off of your right leg while left leg is doing the bicycle motion, and when your left leg is at the peak of its motion, You throw your right leg out, fully extended, 90 degree ankle, and hit the ball. And when you are about to make contact, you are supposed to push your left leg down. Make sure to put your arms back.
2006-08-23 14:13:12 UTC
Bicycle kicks are super hard. But if you practice a ton. You'll be able to do it.
2006-08-23 14:34:11 UTC
practice on something bouncy like a trampoline or even a tumbling mat so that you can fail without breaking your neck or injuring your head if you land incorrectly.

once you have confidence, then practice with a person who is could at high passes.

finally, work constantly at eye-hand coordination excercises you that you will have good timing at bicycling at the right time so that you actually kick the ball.
2006-08-23 15:55:58 UTC
you can't learn this from a video. u will get hurt u need to be taught the right way to through your momentum towards the ground so u maintaine force in your kick and then learn to land the right way and i don't recomend practiceing on a field start out on a mat. there are some great soccer coaches out there .
Da Great 1
2006-08-29 07:49:52 UTC
There are many ways to do it. How I do it is like running to a base on baseball and put my foot up when the soccer ball is coming down. And then again I had to practice. Almost like doing a backflip.
Sharath K
2006-08-23 09:58:20 UTC
Please ask this question to Pele the Brazilian soccer legend.

This was his favorite kick. It was also know as the upside down bicycle kick where you jump up in the air and kick the ball while your legs roll in a bicycle riding mode.

This kick was best shown in an old movie "The Escape to Victory", where Pele's favorite kick was shown clearly and repeated in slow motions. I remember when watching this movie in a movie hall, how people had jumped in joy.
2006-08-28 08:02:42 UTC
Video answers take too much time. With email, search, answers, games, entertainment and news pages, my yahoo, launchcast my radio station, and Yahoo 360, You have reached the saturation point for me as a consumer of your goods. I applaud the fact that you all are leading the way in finding new ways for pwoplw to interact on the web.... but I have done that enough now. It is too much too quick.

Hell, I gotta write my 360 blog, check my mail and award the best answer to my questions, check out hotjobs and read the paper. Dont have time to make a video, sorry.
2006-08-17 12:02:58 UTC
It's done backward and it goes the same with the left or right foot.Here goes, By focasing on the ball coming to you from extreme height, by raising the left leg and keepit 90 degree angle and wait till your ready and leep forward with your both of your arm poistion backward and swing . this is the way i do it cause i play soccer myself and i was a defence in semi pro . For the record it takes practice till you know it comes easy to you , email me if you can .
2006-08-16 12:17:26 UTC
This is a very advanced technique in soccer and to do it you must practice without a ball first. You do a little hop into the air as you give a little kick with your non kicking foot. Its should cause you to go into the air and make your body go backwards. As you are going backwards bring your non kicking foot back alittle as you use all your strength to bring your kicking foot foward as hard as you can. You will usually land on your back. you could practice the motion with a mat and without a ball, then with a friend throwing the ball at you and you try to kick it. You need to get comfortable with doing this airborn stunt that way you can focus on hitting the ball without thinking or worrying about how to perform the bicycle kick.

To be honest with you, this is just a show off move and you dont need it to be a good soccer player. A header is usually more effective and accurate.
2006-08-23 10:13:39 UTC
Hi....I am a good soccer player and you just need to throw the ball up really high, let it bounce, fall backwards and kick it while falling. It will be hard the first few times...but you get used to it. :)

That source is a website I found if my way doesn't work...That website also has more details...Hope it works!!! :):)
2006-08-16 13:55:36 UTC
Katie, you have to practice this move @ the beach because you need to learn how to brake the fall and don damage yourself the move will come to you by repetition practice... practice.. practice,your body will auto adjust to do it .Get the tape or DVD of Pele THE MASTER in this tape you will see the move in slow motion and you will see what i a m telling you to do, also some other staff that will make you a better player. You play left striker, left wing ? if you are a left leg it will be easy for you trust me and GO FOR IT . I hope this will help you ( 15 years pro)
2006-08-16 12:18:55 UTC
Assuming you are right footed,

1) jump off your right foot while pulling your left leg up

2) try to make contact while the ball is still to the left of your body. This will help turn your body to the side so that you are not kicking directly over your head, limiting the chance that you land flat on your back or put too much stress on your neck during landing.

3) snap your leg through so that your lower body is twisted after the kick.

4) you should land mostly on your left side with your hips and legs swiveled to almost face the ground.
2006-08-20 14:34:01 UTC
ive played soccer all my life and tried the kick once-- and broke my thumb- its not the kick thats difficult- its landing it!!!! the only time this is useful is when you want to kick the ball behind you quickly- so the best way is just to fall backwards and kick the ball towards your head (timing is essential) so unless your beckham... dont bother, and btw a striker would never need to do move!!!! practice your headers!!
2006-08-17 09:21:46 UTC
The best tip on i can give you is to just swing you foot that you are going to be hitting the ball with, as hard as you can but keep you foot as if you were making an in-step shot. That way it will have the most power
2006-08-23 12:46:41 UTC
bicycle kick. done like Liu Kang from Kombat of Mortals. you press Back - Foward - low kick and liu kang with the bicycle kick he will do.
2006-08-23 15:21:47 UTC
it's really simple, actually.

You start by learning a regular backflip. From there, you wait until the ball is in the air (its hard to kick on the ground), do your kick, and presto!
2006-08-18 19:44:15 UTC
When the ball is coming toward you you jump up in the air and kick the ball backwards and land on your back.!

BY jared age 11
2006-08-28 15:19:24 UTC
Don't know why ppl are going into detail............ practise makes perfect, start by throwing the ball above you and sit backwards into your kick until you have built up power and accuracy, then you start jumping into them!!!!!
2006-08-23 13:15:25 UTC
Get a personal trainer. Go find one of those brazillian soccer guys and have them show you.
2006-08-23 16:03:27 UTC
Liu Kang
2006-08-23 09:26:21 UTC
wait for the ball coming in your way,make sure your timing is correct, you should do the bicycle kick before the ball reaches you.If everything goes right,wallah a bicycle kick
2006-08-27 05:12:01 UTC
It's Football dear....
2006-08-23 10:48:36 UTC
Make love to David Beckham, after that u will so good doing the bicycle kick that maybe they call you for the England team.

Source: Victoria ( Spice) Beckham.
2006-08-23 09:20:39 UTC
u got enough to review so good luck and like Free said.... this is not a very effective move, i.e. more show than needed to win the game but will certainly win point on the audience.

take care and don't break anything!!
2006-08-23 13:21:50 UTC
My tip is to get off your bike, quit yahoo, and audition for the "Soccer Chicks" 2007 calendar.
2006-08-23 10:30:59 UTC
If you're getting your foot on the ball... the rest is timing. It's like a double front snap in martial arts... timing, timing, timing!
2006-08-23 11:51:50 UTC
try kicking a football (american) into the uprights 40 times

so I'd say laces out!!
2006-08-23 10:04:33 UTC
no great what to write it out...the best is for you and a partner to practice it...have them toss the ball for your bicycle kick. you can get an advanced skils video also for multiple techniques
2006-08-23 16:34:12 UTC
Girl you are so beautiful. What are you doing working for Yahoo? You should be modeling, I'm sure you could be very good at that.
adam g
2006-08-23 15:16:51 UTC
you've gotta actually hit it like the golf kick but upside down
Stewie Griffin
2006-08-29 07:53:28 UTC
Fall back and kick.
2006-08-23 11:13:48 UTC
Here is a link on how.

I find the scissor kick harder to do.
2006-08-23 10:57:39 UTC
Perhaps you should change your avatar to something less appealing ... you're sending all these hearts a'fluttering and distracting them from the whole answering process :P
2006-08-16 15:49:18 UTC
practice a lot! Also it might help to practice on a trampoline. If it has a net it will just come right back to you.
2006-08-23 12:47:03 UTC
Look it up on I'm sure you'll find videos on there.
2006-08-17 20:16:01 UTC
learn how to do a backflip, and 3quarters through the backflip kick the ball
2006-08-23 08:28:33 UTC
use your leg as the power to get your body around instead of your chest and your leg will pull your body throught the air
Best Buy Mobile Rep
2006-08-23 09:02:43 UTC
Practice with a friend tossing the ball to you first just on your elbows. then try doing it live with him/her throwing the ball.
2006-08-23 16:42:48 UTC
2006-08-23 16:05:56 UTC
I don't know, but I'd like to see you try!!
2006-08-23 16:54:50 UTC

WHEN you look like your avatar does, you can do it any way you want to.



2006-08-19 06:57:35 UTC
Can you jump e before kick!
2006-08-23 15:44:30 UTC
kick it
2006-08-23 14:22:17 UTC
Don't. You'll crack your head open.
Johnny Ballgame
2006-08-16 12:06:39 UTC
Its just like Polo, cruise on up next to the ball on your bike and kick
2006-08-16 12:21:56 UTC
i think you need to work on you spinning technique, like in tennis the way your body spins with the right angle and speed your shoot will be perfect.
2006-08-23 15:45:56 UTC
practice the technique on a trampoline
2006-08-23 09:29:47 UTC
Im actually a professional soccer manager/trainer... ;o) ...for you I would free-up some time to teach you how to do that kick!
2006-08-23 14:24:49 UTC
im sorry i cant concentrate on the question cause u are too hot
2006-08-16 12:09:42 UTC
This site contains 8 steps that might help you.
2006-08-23 10:38:57 UTC
a flip and luck
2006-08-23 10:06:33 UTC
im not quite sure

im not good at soccer

good luck though=]
2006-08-22 02:53:11 UTC
Try and try again

Go to a circus and try it on a trapize
2006-08-23 09:06:57 UTC
do this....
2006-08-19 16:22:18 UTC
you have to bend it like bechkam!!
知道 wo zhi dao
2006-08-23 15:31:10 UTC
2006-08-23 09:41:10 UTC
I have no idea, but you are freakin hot!!
Bruce W.
2006-08-16 12:21:08 UTC
You are beautiful, wish you could do a wonderful bike kick, good luck
2006-08-16 12:07:07 UTC
if that is really u in that picture im gonna have 2 show u how 2 do it in person

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